Instructions to build OpenFOAM-5.x using ARM compiler on Isambard

  1. Download OpenFOAM-5.x and ThirdParty-5.x
      mkdir $BUILD_DIR
      cd $BUILD_DIR
      git clone
      git clone

  2. Load ARM compiler1 (To use GNU compiler, follow steps in Section A)
     # load ARM compiler if no compilers are loaded
     module load PrgEnv-allinea/6.0.5
     # or swap current cray compiler with arm compiler
     module switch PrgEnv-cray/6.0.5 PrgEnv-allinea/6.0.5
     # export compiler variables
     export CC=armclang
     export CXX=armclang++
     export FC=armflang
     export OMPI_CC=$CC
     export OMPI_CXX=$CXX
     export OMPI_FC=$FC
     # set other compiler variables 
     OF_COPT="-march=armv8.1-a -mtune=thunderx2t99 -O3 -ffp-contract=fast"
     OF_CXXOPT="$OF_COPT -std=c++11"
     # make modifications to the configuration files
     cd $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x
     # create necessary files with compiler options
     echo -e "WM_COMPILER=Clang \nWM_MPLIB=CRAY-MPICH \nWM_LABEL_SIZE=64" > $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/etc/
     echo -e "include \$(GENERAL_RULES)/mplibMPICH" > wmake/rules/General/mplibCRAY-MPICH
     cp -r $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/wmake/rules/linux64Clang $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/wmake/rules/linuxAArch64Clang

  3. Download and apply patch to the configuration files
     # Download the two patch files and apply the patch running the below commands
     wget -P $BUILD_DIR
     wget -P $BUILD_DIR
     (cd $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/; patch -p1 < $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5x.patch)
     (cd $BUILD_DIR/ThirdParty-5.x/; patch -p1 < $BUILD_DIR/ThirdParty-5x.patch)

  4. Compile OpenFOAM-5.x
     # source configuration file
     . etc/bashrc
     # Compile openfoam using all available processors (-j).
     ./Allwmake -j 64


Section A: Build OpenFOAM-5.x using GNU compiler2,3 on ARM processors

    # load GNU compiler if no compilers are loaded
    module load PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.5
    # or swap current cray compiler with gnu compiler
    module switch PrgEnv-cray/6.0.5 PrgEnv-gnu/6.0.5
    # export compiler variables
    export CC=gcc
    export CXX=g++
    export FC=gfortran
    export OMPI_CC=$CC
    export OMPI_CXX=$CXX
    export OMPI_FC=$FC
    # set other compiler variables 
    OF_COPT="-O3 -march=native -mtune=native"
    OF_CXXOPT="$OF_COPT -std=c++11"
    # make modifications to the configuration files
    cd $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x
    echo -e "WM_MPLIB=CRAY-MPICH \nWM_LABEL_SIZE=64" > $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/etc/
    echo -e "include \$(GENERAL_RULES)/mplibMPICH" > $BUILD_DIR/OpenFOAM-5.x/wmake/rules/General/mplibCRAY-MPICH
    # Go to steps 3 and 4